About Liar's Dice

Cape Cod Rules

Rules. There are always freakin' rules, aren't there?

Rule #1
1. Player A rolls the dice (hidden under the cup) and tells player B what their "hand" is. Player A then passes the "hand" hidden under the cup to Player B. When Player B receives the dice, they must decide if the passing player, Player A, is telling the truth or lying.

That's it. Simple, right?

Other Rules:
  • Player B (the receiver) must lift the cup (the reveal) and show everyone the dice if they think Player A (the passer) is lying.
  • If Player B peaks under the cup rather than showing everyone the dice, they have chosen to accept the "hand" and are now the passer. They can roll any combination of the dice (keeping them hidden under the cup) before passing to Player C.
  • Player B (now the passer) must declare a better "hand" than what they received from Player A, when they pass to Player C.
  • The game ends when a receiver lifts the cup (the reveal) and shows all the dice to everyone, and the passer is either identified as a liar or mis-identified.
  • The "loser" of a the reveal throws a chip in the pot. The loser is either the passer who was caught as a liar, or the receiver who thought they caught the passer in a lie but was wrong. 

​One More Rule: In Liar's Dice there are no straights.  If you roll the dice and the result is a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 you didn't roll a straight.  You rolled garbage.  The same goes for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.  

* All UFLDP sanctioned tournaments use 1960's Cape Cod rules. We don't care what the Google machine tries to tell you about the game.

Don’t believe everything you read on the internet.

The Google is wrong and they mostly explain a version of the game where each player has their own set of dice rather than a shared set of dice. This version has all players share one set of dice and pass them around the table.

A Quick Test: Is it a lie? 

Player A says:  "I have a pair of 2's.

Player A says:  "I have 3, 2's.

Player A says:  "I have 3, 3's.

Cavalcade of Champions.

Bill P

Inaugural Champion & League Mascot.

Marie C

Won the 1st event in 2022 and refused to be photographed.
* Artist rendering of the champion.

Pete M

Just kicking ass and taking names.